New CryEngine 3 on GDC09

Wow, this is the next generation of game development and visualisation for virtuell reality systems. No other engines can create such a realistic graphic. Last time i saw such video about a new 3D engine, i saw a video from the UnrealEngine3 (mostly developed by a german developer). But this is absolutly better. No one… New CryEngine 3 on GDC09 weiterlesen

Not bad, Microsoft

What Microsoft does well wrote Binary Bonsai, i mean, it’s not bad what Microsoft does. Not Vista, not Windows 7, only such experimental stuff are the best things from Microsoft. On thing, that where Apple is better than Microsoft is the interface design. But this is a new way, a new way Microsoft goes. This… Not bad, Microsoft weiterlesen

toendaCMS 2 faster then WordPress 2.6

Yes, is real. I’va tested it with real-data. One of the latest functions i added to toendaCMS is a exporter, that exports news, categories (also as tags) and users into the WordPress eXtended RSS (also called WXR) file. The i imported it into my test installation on Well, i only wanted to check if… toendaCMS 2 faster then WordPress 2.6 weiterlesen